Thank you for choosing the Drake-In service for your new nitro engine. You’ll need to do the following steps once the engine is installed in the vehicle.
-Heat the engine to 180-200 degrees using Protek R/C 12V engine heater.
-Prime and start the engine. The carburetor has been adjusted, but you may need to make slight adjustments depending on your, fuel, vehicle, weather, and elevation, but overall the setting will be very close.
Tank #1 Let the engine idle, and heat saturate for 1-2 minutes. During this time, you can fine-tune the idle adjustment and slowly apply the throttle to burn out any excess assembly oil. Start running vehicle on the track or in a parking lot. The engine should be crisp on bottom to mid, but still slightly rich on top. At the completion of tank #1, let the engine cool with the piston at bottom dead center.
Tank #2 & #3 Preheat engine and continue running on the track for 1-2 tanks. If needed, you can lean out the high speed needle one hour. Stop engine and make sure the piston is at bottom dead center.
Tank #4 Preheat engine and continue running on the track. At this point you should be pretty close to race tune with the high speed needle slightly rich to provide proper lubrication. The engine will continue to improve and gain run-time over the next ½ to 1 gallon, but you should be ready to go racing.